Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Pink Floyd Rose Bouquet
Add to wish list
19 Stems
29 stems
49 stems
99 stems
Product details

This is pre-order product. Lead time is 7-10 days 


❤❤Product Description ❤❤


19 rose bouquet 25-30cm (D)

29 rose bouquet 35-40cm (D) 

49 rose bouquet 45-50cm (D)

99 rose bouquet 75-80cm (D) 




❤❤Delivery/ Pickup❤❤

We use reliable delivery company to send the flowers. Delivery time window is 5-10pm. We can't gurantee specific delivery time. Flowers will be delivered within the delivery time window above. 


We offer pickup in our business hours. We are located at:


97 Maitland St, Toronto, M4Y1E3



❤❤Care Instructions ❤❤

For all flower bouquets, take off wrapping after you receive the flowers and put them in water. Change water daily and sanitize the vase to make the flowers last longer. Make sure you put the flowers somewhere cool and well-ventilated because heat will shorten the life of flowers. If you need more detailed care tips you can email us at



❤❤Refund/Returns ❤❤

We do not offer a refund or exchange for all fresh flower arrangements. But if you received the flowers damaged please reach out to us within the 6hrs after the flowers are delivered.